Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Liquid Courage (Part 2)

I had this bright idea this weekend to invite my inlaws over for a little bar-b-que to celebrate Memorial Day. My mother-in-law and her husband are big drinkers and I was feeling like knockin back a few myself. Well, I didn't stop at just a few. I drank a liter of crown by myself and turned into the fuckn devil. It was scary. We were all sitting outside on the patio by the grill and the conversation came up about getting my son a new vehicle. He drives a 2002 Tahoe and I guess that isn't nice enough for him. You see, we pay the payments and the insurance, as well as, the gas. Well, my wifes mother decides to chime in about this and let us know that we should get him something newer. This brought back a deep-seeded unresolved issue that I had been harboring for about 20 years now. You see, when I met my wife she drove a new grand-am that her mother bought her for graduation. Free and clear, supposedly. But when I started dating my wife, her mom decided that I should pay for the car. Well, I did. I starting making payments on it and did so for about 6 months. On the sixth month, I got a liitle behind on the payment. 8 days to be exact. SO...............she sold the car. She put an ad out in the thrifty nickel with our address without even telling us. Sold the mother fucker to the first person that came. Imagine the fuckn fury. Well, I have kept my mouth shut about it for 20 years. Until last night that is. The old liquid courage kicked in and lets just say, I unleashed that fury. Pretty much told her exactly how I felt about in front of my wife and her husband and my son. MISTAKE. I wound up leaving and when I came back everyone was gone. My wife took the kids and her stuff and left. GONE. SO, today, I sit here feeling like one of the biggest assholes in the world. Shamed and humiliated. I don't know how this is gonna end but I am pretty sure it aint gonna be good. In closing, I guess I have learned that liquid courage aint worth a fuck and a crown drunk is the fucking worst.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Liquid Courage

Last night I came home after having a few cocktails with a customer to relieve some of the days stress. I had one of those days that you just can 't wait to end. It was full of drama. I work with a secretary or two that just love to stir up trouble and usually involves me in one way or another. Normally, I just let this stuff go and try not to let it bother me too much. Well last night, I got to thinking, with a damn good buzz, mind you, that I should really say something about it. I decided that I would sit her down with the 3rd party present and call her out on some of the things that she has been saying. Why not? She is obviously lying to somebody and I am truly sick of it. It seemed so easy last night. Well, it didn't happen. I just let it slide again and will continue to be a fuckn doormat for this shit. I just wish that I could muster up the courage to speak about all of these things that I feel. The consiquences couldn't be that bad. Or could they?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hump Day Humor

A pirate at the local bar discusses his pastA seaman meets a pirate in a bar, and talk turns to their adventures on the sea. The seaman notes that the pirate has a peg-leg, a hook, and an eye patch.The seaman asks, "So, how did you end up with the peg-leg?" The pirate replies, "We were in a storm at sea, and I was swept overboard into a school of sharks. Just as my men were pulling me out, a shark bit my leg off." "Wow!" said the seaman. "What about your hook"? "Well", replied the pirate, "We were boarding an enemy ship and were battling the other sailors with swords. One of the enemy cut my hand off." "Incredible!" remarked the seaman. "How did you get the eye patch"? "A seagull dropping fell into my eye," replied the pirate."You lost your eye to a seagull dropping?," the sailor asked incredulously. "Well," said the pirate, "it was my first day with my hook"

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thomas Edison (Hero or Zero)

I grew up learning in school, as many of you did as well, that Thomas Edison was a great inventor and a hero to be admired by all men. Well, as I learned this weekend, I may have been a bit misled. I watched a documentary on the History Channel about a man named Nikola Tesla today. I must say, I was completely overwhelmed with the achievements and the brilliant knowledge of natural energy that this man possessed. As it turns out, Nikola Tesla worked for Thomas Edison. He was hired by Thomas Edison to improve on many of the patents that Edison had established. The patent that interested Nikola the most was the idea of DC energy to supply homes and business with electriciy. As you may well know, this was Edisons' crowning achievement and one that would give him a great deal of wealth. Edison had even promised Nikola that if he could find a better, more effecient way to supply electricity, he would give him a $50,000.00 bonus. Well, Nikola did find a more efficient way. He called it AC. Yes, this is the Alternating Current that we still use today. This method would prove to be the most simple, effective way to distribute electricity. He also invented a design for the generators and plants that would produce this electricity. Well, rather than give Nikola his bonus, Edison balked at his ideas and from that moment on, became Nikola's most hated adversary. After being denied his bonus, Nikola immediately quit Edison and went to work digging ditches, trying to raise money to continue his experiments with electricity. As a ditch digger, Nikola drew out , in dirt, a design for the first electromagnetic induction motor. He secured a patent for the invention and quickly went to work building the motors. These are the motors that we all see in our power drills, remote control cars, and even some very nice vibrators. The man was truly a genius. He took the money that he made from this patent and quickly went back to work on the idea of AC. Edison was furious. He failed to see the potential in it or was just too much of and idealistic, self-promoting cocksucker to give anyone else credit for being a creative inventor. Edison would therefore start the AC DC war. He would hook up AC to live animals: from elephants to dogs, he would fry these animals in town square to scare the common man into thinking that AC was unsafe and had the potential to kill anything in its way. He refused to accept the fact that Nikola's way was better. To the point of killing anyone or anything that stood in his way. It is hard for me to admire such a man. I just can't believe that we were never taught about Tesla. He would go on to invent the remote control, radio, wireless communication (a generation before it was truly realized) and hundreds of other useful patents. Do the research. This guy is truly a hero to me. As for Edison,

Thursday, May 15, 2008

" I wonder if his name is Jack?"

Guess Who's Back

Guess who's back? Well it aint Carter, Biotch. I have been reminded just how important it is to post blogs. I mean.............How else can your friends rip you from limb to limb because of your ideas or views? I know I find it absolutely sublime. So, Game on. I will be posting again, as often as I can with this new job.