Thursday, May 22, 2008

Liquid Courage

Last night I came home after having a few cocktails with a customer to relieve some of the days stress. I had one of those days that you just can 't wait to end. It was full of drama. I work with a secretary or two that just love to stir up trouble and usually involves me in one way or another. Normally, I just let this stuff go and try not to let it bother me too much. Well last night, I got to thinking, with a damn good buzz, mind you, that I should really say something about it. I decided that I would sit her down with the 3rd party present and call her out on some of the things that she has been saying. Why not? She is obviously lying to somebody and I am truly sick of it. It seemed so easy last night. Well, it didn't happen. I just let it slide again and will continue to be a fuckn doormat for this shit. I just wish that I could muster up the courage to speak about all of these things that I feel. The consiquences couldn't be that bad. Or could they?

1 comment:

Ray said...

You might have to take that shit, but you don't have to take it today. Good words from someone i respect.

Welcome to my world homeslice. I have worked at many branches and i have come to this conclusion. If there is more than 1 female in the office, there will always be drama. One thinks the other one is getting a better deal or whatever.

If she is telling lies about you, i would call her out with the one she is lying to.

Just my opinion.